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NISCO at a Glance


  • One of the leading Private insurance companies in Ethiopia
  • ...
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Vision and Mission


Our vision is to be the preferred provider of insurance solutions in all markets we serve.
Our Mission is to help our customers...

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NISCO's Future Head Quarter




Ongoing construction project of an eighteen story modern building in Addis Ababa, on Africa Avenue.

The conceptual Approach of the Design is facade covered with inter-woven fence like skin resembling ribs protecting our body, expressing the sense of security and protection Nyala Insurance S.C. gives to its customers.




Major Customers - Thank you for believing in us! We are proud to serve you.

Our Partners

An overview

Nyala Insurance Share Company (NISCO) was founded in July 1995 following the liberalization of the insurance business to the private sector in 1994 with the Licensing and Supervision of Insurance Business Proclamation No. 85/1994. Read more...


Apart from its major investments in real estates in the downtowns of Addis Ababa, Bahir Dar and Nazareth, Nyala Insurance selectively invests in various financial institutions like Dashen Bank, which have potentially high investment returns. Read more...


Contact us

Protection House, Mickey Leland Street

Tel: +251-11-6626679/80/76
