Commercial Line

Agricultural Micro Insurance


Agricultural micro insurance provides protection to the financial interests of insured in agricultural crops and livestock.

Major agricultural crops category including cereals, pulses, oilseeds, spices, fruit and vegetables and plantation crops like tea, cotton and sugarcane are covered under multi-peril crop insurance policy. Ethiopia’s largest export crop namely coffee is insured separately having its own policy. Livestock indemnity insurance covers livestock such as cows/oxen, sheep and goat kept for dairy, fattening or production purposes.

Basic policy covers and exclusions of each policy are stated here below:

Multi- peril crop insurance

Coffee Plantation insurance

IndemnityLivestock Insurance

An overview

Nyala Insurance Share Company (NISCO) was founded in July 1995 following the liberalization of the insurance business to the private sector in 1994 with the Licensing and Supervision of Insurance Business Proclamation No. 85/1994. Read more...


Apart from its major investments in real estates in the downtowns of Addis Ababa, Bahir Dar and Nazareth, Nyala Insurance selectively invests in various financial institutions like Dashen Bank, which have potentially high investment returns. Read more...


Contact us

Protection House, Mickey Leland Street

Tel: +251-11-6626679/80/76
