Commercial Line

Coffee Plantation Insurance


Coffee plantation insurance indemnifies the insured if the growing crop owned by him and described in the schedule is damaged or destroyed by the perils specified in the policy.


Scope of Cover

The policy compensates insured for loss or destruction sustained on growing coffee caused by:

  1. Fire and Lightening
  2. Tempest, Storm and Flood
  3. Hail and Frost
  4. Excessive Rainfall
  5. Uncontrollable plant disease and pests


The policy excludes loss or damage caused by:

  1. Loss by theft
  2. Drought conditions
  3. Deficiency of any nutrient
  4. This policy does not cover any loss to the coffee beans outside the limits of the insured farm after harvest or in transit.
  5. Loss or damage to agricultural inputs and equipment stored in the insured’s field or ware house.
  6. Physical attack to the coffee plantation by wildlife.
  7. Any legal or illegal occupation of farm(s), invasion or expropriation
  8. Any insured Coffee, which has been harvested prior to inspection by the assessor.
  9. Where normal good husbandry practices have not been followed.
  10. Controllable diseases, pests and or insect infestation.

An overview

Nyala Insurance Share Company (NISCO) was founded in July 1995 following the liberalization of the insurance business to the private sector in 1994 with the Licensing and Supervision of Insurance Business Proclamation No. 85/1994. Read more...


Apart from its major investments in real estates in the downtowns of Addis Ababa, Bahir Dar and Nazareth, Nyala Insurance selectively invests in various financial institutions like Dashen Bank, which have potentially high investment returns. Read more...


Contact us

Protection House, Mickey Leland Street

Tel: +251-11-6626679/80/76
